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Banned TED Talk: The Science Delusion by Rupert Sheldrake

Rupert Sheldrake is a scientist who believes there is more to the world that meets the eye, and he’s written 10 books and 80 scientific papers to prove it. The Presence of the Past is a stunning one.

Consider this scientific presentation as a counter-point to Whatsblem the Pro’s piece “Everyone’s Unique Except Me – Why I Hate Magical Thinking

If you’ve ever wondered if you were in some sort of reality distortion field, at Burning Man or anywhere else; if you’ve ever wondered why most people experience deja vu, but conventional science can’t explain it…this talk will introduce you to the science of why and how that could be.

Burners, when he talks about “Constant Big G” in this talk, don’t get too excited. The fact that gravity changes as much as 1.3% , and varies from place to place and day to day, should be mind-blowing enough. The Universe is alive, pulsing. Doof doof doof. Question the dogmas, Burners.

And if you enjoyed that, try this one on for size from the other guy with the banned TED Talk

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